We are many people, from many places, and many faith traditions. Some of us are descendants of those who founded Greenland when it was still part of Portsmouth in the 17th century. Many more are wanderers on the spiritual journey seeking understanding of our place in the world, our service to others, and growing in grace and humility in a life that encompasses an awareness that we should be more active participants in the world for the good of all who are here. Look around our website, but more importantly come and join us. We are a community that believes in testimonies, not tests of faith.
We sense a mutuality that goes beyond loving our neighbor or loving our neighbor as ourselves. Our Bible has given us a sense that we must love one another as God loves us all. We believe that "we" is more powerful than "me", because we were not created to be alone—and we love one another in gratitude and welcome. That mutuality and presence of call for God is most fully present in three ways: in all that we see around us, in all that we are given in our hearts, minds, and bodies we inhabit, and the gracious Spirit which moves us to thankfulness, compassion, humility, mercy, justice, hope, joy, and love in all things. We strive to show that threefold great love of God through celebrating and respecting our creation, our neighbors, and our children each day. We share one anothers' losses, challenges, joys, accomplishments, and struggles even as we commit to keeping track of each other's well-being in an increasingly disconnected and individualized world.
We are never more than we are this day that we are living. We believe that we are never defined by the best or worst things that befall us. God promises renewal and refreshment, especially when we're feeling low. So that is our invitation: do you wish to experience, enter into, and pass along peace of soul and Spirit? We have been stewards of Greenland's Heart in the Heart of Greenland since 1706. Come and see; come and be.